FREY was selected for this project over several larger consulting firms based on demonstrated experience, expertise and the ability to respond rapidly to client and regulatory requests. FREY was hired by the client to oversea all environmental aspects of the project. These included, an open heavy metals DTSC case, construction dewatering, and permitting, soil monitoring and disposal at proper facilitates, worker health and safety, SCAQMD air quality compliance, lead and asbestos abetment and WDR permits.
The Site included seven contiguous buildings and was the location of a former plating operation that had operated at the Site since as early as 1928. The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) is providing oversight on the project. Mr. Robert Krug of the DTSC is the project manager for this Site.
The Site is planned to be developed as a mixed-use residential/commercial building. The proposed development plans include a subterranean parking garage constructed to a depth of approximately 12 to 14 feet below ground surface (bgs). The proposed building will include retail/commercial spaces with multi-family residential (MFR) units on the ground floor, and MFR units on the upper floors.
The project includes the remediation of chemicals of concern (COC’s) consisting of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and heavy metals in soil and groundwater beneath the Site. The project includes implementation of a remedial action work plan (RAW) that was developed using data collected from numerous subsurface investigations. The RAW details procedures to safely remove both California-Hazardous (Cal-Haz); and RCRA hazardous concrete and soil from the Site. The RAW has been approved by the DTSC.
As part of the project, significant public outreach efforts were implemented including participation in community meetings and City council meetings to address public concern related to remediation and development plans. Ultimately, the remediation and development plans were approved by the City of Hollywood.

Prior to implementation of the RAW, Site buildings and above-ground plating areas were decontaminated by trained personnel to remove former plating equipment, liquids, solids, debris, and dust found on building surfaces (walls, floors, and roof) that were reported with high metals concentrations. In addition, asbestos-containing building materials were properly abated from the Site buildings.
Following demolition of the Site buildings, the impacted concrete slab will be removed, profiled and hauled to an appropriate landfill as Cal-Haz, or RCRA-Haz waste. Once the impacted concrete has been removed, impacted soil will be excavated to approximately 22 feet below the ground surface to remove soils with reported concentrations of VOCs and/or heavy metals that exceed regulatory limits. Impacted soil will be stockpiled, profiled, and hauled to appropriate disposal facilities as Cal-Haz, or RCRA-Haz waste.
Once the final excavation depths have been met, a soil amendment will be used at the Site to treat groundwater and shallow saturated unconsolidated sediment for Chromium VI (Hexavalent Chromium) and other metals that may be present in soil and groundwater at the bottom of the excavation in the former plating room area. The amendment is designed to further reduce metals concentrations in groundwater over time. A waste discharge permit, to place the material at the capillary fringe was obtained from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board – Los Angeles Region (RWQCB).
The project consisted of dispersing Hydrogen Release Compound (HRC) into soil containing elevated concentrations of hexavalent chromium. A disbursement of hydrogen release compound (HRC) manufactured by Regenesis. The authorized release of HRC was conducted following the completion of excavation activities. Approximately 800 pounds of HRC was dispersed in an area of impacted soil. FREY, conducted groundwater monitoring and sampling in accordance with the WDR permit requirements. FREY completed the WDR permit with a termination.